Wow a lot of gluten free happenings in the last week. Where to start... Brian and I plus 2 other couples (the girls are both my friends) decided to have a dinner party last weekend. Basically it was so we could meet each others boyfriend/husband that we always talk about so much. We made sushi. A good thing to make for a group of people. But the gluten free part of this was I bought the raspberry beer I mentioned earlier in the summer. New Planet 3R Raspberry Ale My GF friend and I split the large bottle. It was okay..... as my boyfriend said, it doesn't taste like beer but it's good. It's very light and I think if I was a beer drinker I would like dark beers. So I won't buy that again. Sticking to cider and wine.
I tried a new restaurant. I wasn't planning on it but I went back to my college town to visit a friend for the weekend and her sister and her friends were visiting also. So we were deciding where to go to dinner and they all screamed Olive Garden! I was like shoot I don't think I've EVER been there. There isn't one in my home town and during college I didn't eat out much. Then I was like SHOOT what I am going to eat. Thinking I could just get a burger or some other kind of meat.... I then remembered that Olive Garden has gluten free food! So I looked up the menu online and sure enough they about about 8 items. Now I wasn't expecting much from a huge chain restaurant like that with the cross contamination issue and such. We went and I asked the waiter about their cooking procedures (DeAnna would be proud) He was like "well yeah you have to cook the food in the separate stuff because it's an allergy" I was like CORRECT. But he went back and checked with the cooks to be sure. He said the food was so I felt better. They only had 1 dish of pasta and it had veggie sauce. The rest were meat dishes. Which is kind of weird because I can get a meat sauce at Maggianos..... That tells you the meat they put in the pasta isn't very pure.... The pasta and sauce were ok. Nothing special. I didn't feel sick so that's always a plus. But nice because all of the other people in the group could get something good. I guess sometimes I just have to take one for the team! So I wouldn't go there just for the gluten free pasta but not a bad place to eat if other people want to go there.
Ok well I have two more things to blog about but it's getting late. Look for the posts this week!