Big blog day. I'm behind and have been making lots of new things so I need to catch up. I'm making something new tonight too but I'll write about it tomorrow. So I've made this pancakes a bunch of times. Mostly during the summer. I haven't had them for awhile and I got kind of sick of eggs for breakfast on the weekend. So I made these this morning. And I showed my boyfriend how to make them so he can now! Since breakfast is his thing. But these are pretty good for being gluten free. Kind of dense but in a puffy way. I would recommend. I almost freaked out when I couldn't find a new bag at Whole Foods today, but it was hiding luckily :) Also, this is a good mix because it is dairy free. Many GF pancake mixes have dairy already in them. This one you add your own milk.
Gluten Free Pancakes
(makes 4 pancakes- 3 inches across)
1/2 cup Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pancake Mix (directions on the bag and I'll write them here) Available at Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage and the like.
1 Egg
3/4 cup milk (any kind is fine. I use almond.)
1 TBS. vegetable oil (don't use olive oil, it gives it a nasty, non-breakfast taste)
Fruit to put in (blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, dried fruit)
1. Whisk all the pancake ingredients together.
2. Warm up a small fry pan (non stick) on the stove. Medium setting.
3. Pour a tiny tiny bit of oil on the pan.
4. Pour batter into the pan. Spread out to edges of the pan.
5. Place fruit in baking batter.
6. Keep checking pancake, flip after about 5 minutes.
7. Finish making all the the pancakes.
8. Serve with butter, syrup or make own fruit syrup by boiling sugar and fruit in a pan on the stove. (That's what I did with the blueberries)
Wow looks delish! Pretty placemat too- is that mine :)
The placemat is mine. I bought it after Christmas when I was home. Remember?
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